Journalism - 12 Week Course

Sample points
 Notebook/Class Notes
 This week in JOURNALISM
NYTimes Link

Instructor CONTACT Information: (email link provided from this site)
IM - AOL instant messager = screen name = mayeb (please use responsibly)
310-615-2690 ext. 3101 (checked weekly)

Sample of the first week of projects.

  1. Appointment Clock - with 12 partners signed up
  2. KWL Chart on what you know about Journalism
  3. Purposes of a Newspaper (three) and Types of Stories (three with examples from school-related writings, and the purposes of the stories)
  4. Five W and H Practice (In The News: Five W;s and an H (5-1B). Answers written in the notebook, not in your packet plus THREE entries from your section of the newspaper with the Article Headline and the Section and Page Number.