
TUESDAY: Discussion on Definition , synonyms, situations

1 : to lower in rank or reputation : DEGRADE
2 : to depreciate by indirect means (as invidious comparison) : speak slightingly about
synonym see DECRY
Main Entry: dis·par·age
Pronunciation: di-'spar-ij
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -aged; -ag·ing
Etymology: Middle English, to degrade by marriage below one's class, disparage, from Middle French desparagier to marry below one's class, from Old French, from des- dis- + parage extraction, lineage, from per peer

- dis·par·age·ment /-ij-m&nt/ noun
- dis·par·ag·er noun
- dis·par·ag·ing adjective
- dis·par·ag·ing·ly /-ij-i[ng]-lE/ adverb

HOMEWORK: Find an article, section of a novel, etc. that helps to illustrate and put into context the meaning of disparage. We are NOT looking for a sample sentence, rather an item that will help you to understand the word and how it is used.

WEDNESDAY: Discuss your articles and what you found. Do agree with what your classmate's brought in to discuss?

THURSDAY: Commonplace writing... think about the word of the week. If you brought in an article from Spring Break, use this in your writing. The debate tomorrow will be using the following article. You will need to agree or disagree then write about it on blackboard.com

FRIDAY: Debate about the article linked above. Post on blackboard.com.