Women's History Month Project –

March is officially Women's History Month. As soon as you choose a person to research you must let me know. If you have not chosen someone by the due date, you will be randomly assigned someone to research. In order to recognize the achievements of women, you are to research and prepare a brochure AND a movie (using found images and materials showing:


I. A time line of major achievements with at least 10 entries ..................................................................... [5 pts]

11. A short biography ............................................................................................................................... [5 pts]

A. At least one paragraph

B. Approximately 100 words minimum (movie = must be covered in the film or podcast)

III. A picture of the person......................................................................................................................... [5 pts]

A. Can be from the Internet, magazines, etc.

B. IMPORTANT: You MUST cite the source of the image

whether it be the URL (web address) or the printed source

to get credit for the written portion and on the film as well.

IV. The greatest achievements and why ................................................................................................. [5 pts]

A.    Explain what you think is this person’s greatest achievement

B.    Minimum of 500 words (movie = must be covered in the film)

1. Are they a role model for you?

2. Have you heard about them in the news?

3. How have they influenced the field that they work in?

V. Beyond the Information - choose one of the following for credit............................................................ [5 pts]

A. Talk about any adversity the person had to overcome to succeed

In her field

B. Explain about the specific challenges for this person’s field of expertise

Vl. Reflection on This Assignment............................................................................................................. [5 pts]

A.    Explain in a paragraph using complete sentences

B.    Minimum of 100 words minimum (movie/podcast = must be covered in the film)

1. Some of the unique challenges faced by women in this field.

2. How did you feel about completing this assignment?

3. What are some of the things you have learned from this assignment?

4. How has/has not learning about this person changed your perception of women who work in this field (i.e. technology, sports, etc.)?

Vll. QUALITY/PRESENTATION COMPONENT................................................................................... [10 pts]

A. Short, in class presentation of project

C.   Paragraphs are spell-checked, proofed for grammar, punctuation

D.    Information is well organized and easy to read

VIII. WRITTEN COMPONENT............................................................................................................... [10pts]

A. You must include a written component in paragraph form with all of your information in the form of a brochure. Be sure each section is clearly labeled. Minimum 12 pt. Font, 1.5 spacing, with a title at the top of the page. Be sure to include your name.

Vlil. TOTAL POINTS............................................................................................................................... [50 pts]

This project is due on March, 16th

 STUDENT SIGNATURE _________________Printed Name______________________

PARENT SIGNATURE____________________Printed Name-_____________________