Patent Notes from lecture.

Example: Starbucks Coffee Sleeve has all three of the intellectual property protection on their coffee sleeve.

PATENTS covers tangible things -- items that have utility ( a use)- like the coffee sleeve. This is intellectual property and allows you to have an exclusive right to earn a living from the item for a set amount of time. You cannot PATENT ideas.
Example: The glue in the coffee sleeve.
® = registered with the Patent Office

TRADEMARKS - - Identify the source of goods -- source identifiers. Allows you to distinguish between items so you know where things are coming from. Quality control for the person who owns the trademark. Allows you to expect that you will be able to find the same item every where, and one item will taste and be the same in your own town and across the country and the world.
Example: The Starbucks' logo is the trademark.
™ = Trademark

COPYRIGHT -- Started with books and now covers literary works, musical works, dramatic works, sound recordings, artwork, architectural works, motion pictures and audiovisual. The copyright also extends to electronic media, like websites. Only two requirements for copyright: (1) Must be in a fixed tangible medium; (2) Must be an original work.
Example: The way the sleeve looks, the fill in sheet on the sleeve itself, the website.
© = Copyright.